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May 23, 2024

Telala (Inoue Ribbon Industry), a tape manufacturer offering a wide variety of products

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This is Kayaba from the ApparelX trend blog.

Today I would like to introduce you to Telala, a tape and ribbon manufacturer.

Click here for the ApparelX manufacturer page.

This blog introduces Telala's company profile and products to those looking for tapes and ribbons for their apparel business.

What is Telala?

Telala is an original brand of Inoue Ribbon Kogyo Co., Ltd.

Inoue Ribbon Kogyo Co., Ltd. is a tape and ribbon manufacturer founded in 1948 and headquartered in Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture.

Our business areas are diverse, and include not only tapes for apparel (fashion), but also tapes for sportswear, underwear, wrapping materials, industrial materials, and more.

The company has such a wide range of business areas because of its well-established integrated production system, which allows it to carry out development and quality control in-house.

To back this up, we have an established reputation for our product development capabilities and a track record of doing business with many major companies.

Inoue Ribbon Industry Co., Ltd. Official website:

How many Telala products are featured on ApparelX?

As of May 23, 2024, Telala products have over 280 part numbers listed.

In addition, products that are not listed on ApaprelX can often be arranged, so if the Telala product you want is not listed, please contact us via the support center .

Product introduction

Here are some of Telala's products:

If you would like to see a list of products, please visit ApparelX's product list page by manufacturer here .

1050 Stretch Fine Grosgrain

This is a stretchy grosgrain tape with very vibrant and beautiful colors.

The following product numbers are also available with glitter.

The following glitter product numbers are made with minimal amount of formaldehyde and heavy metals, so they can also be used for baby products.

1051 Lame Stretch Fine Grosgrain

1610 Frill

We also offer ruffle tapes in a variety of designs.

The colors are calm and pastel, and the color reproduction is beautiful.

We also have the following ruffle tapes in different designs.

1611 Frill

3000N Stretch Velvet

This is a velvet tape that is perfect for dresses. It comes in a wide range of widths and colors.

1616 Stretch Piping

1617 Stretch Piping

It may be a little hard to tell from the picture, but it is slightly transparent.

As a result, the color looks softer, giving the piping tape a feminine and cute impression.

There are also different designs as below.

1618 Stretch Piping

1350S Lame Stretch Piping

1350G Lame Stretch Piping

This is a piping tape that uses glitter in the piping part. The contrast with the glitter makes this a beautiful and gorgeous piping tape.

1110 Lame Plain Elastic

This tape is made of extremely thin, soft glitter with minimal formalin content, and is soft against the skin. It stretches and shrinks slowly, so it does not tighten around the stomach, especially when used as a waist belt, and is not uncomfortable.

1420 Fine Grip

This is an ultra-thin non-slip tape that minimizes skin damage. It can be used to prevent pants or shirt hems from riding up, or to prevent bare tops from sliding down.


Thank you for reading to the end.

This time we have been introducing a lot of ruffles and glitter tapes, but of course we also have standard ribbons and tapes available.

Please consider Telala products!

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