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Jul 15, 2020

Anti-virus treated textile FLUTECT broadcloth is now on sale!

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Hello. This is Kayaba from the ApparelX Division.

Today, we would like to introduce FT4545, an anti-virus processed textile designed and sold by Okura Shoji .

What is FLUTECT?

This is Shikibo Co., Ltd.'s anti-virus processing.

The following is a quote.

FLUTECT is an antiviral functional treatment that the company has been selling since 2006. A mechanism in which the antiviral agent processed into the fiber acts on the envelope (membrane-like structure on the outside of the virus) of the virus attached to the fiber, causing it to lose its infectivity.

Until now, antiviral effects against influenza viruses have been confirmed. We recently requested the Biomedical Science Research Group, a specified non-profit organization, to test the antiviral performance of FLUTECT processing against coronaviruses. As a result of testing against the virus type "Coronavirus (Human) [Human Coronavirus 229E] (ATCC VR-740)" using 100% rayon non-woven fabric with FLUTECT processing, it was found that the antiviral effect against coronavirus on the fiber was tested. It was confirmed.

The coronavirus (human) used in this test is a virus that has been kept in research institutions for some time, and is not the new coronavirus that is currently causing concern. However, the new coronavirus is a subspecies of normal coronaviruses, and it is also an enveloped virus.

Therefore, it is estimated that FLUTECT can be expected to have a similar antiviral effect against the new coronavirus.


In other words, this effect can be expected for enveloped viruses.

If you would like to know more about antiviral testing, please visit the URL below.


By the way, I think the name comes from the fact that it protects the body from influenza (flu).

Features of FLUTECT

  • Reduce the number of certain filamentous viruses
  • Remains effective even after repeated washing
  • Safety (oral toxicity and skin irritation confirmed)

FT4545 FLUTECT TC broadcloth

This is a textile made from standard TC broadcloth with FLUTECT processing.

It was designed to be used on areas that need to be kept clean, such as shirts, pocket lining, bedding, and uniforms.

Available in easy-to-use colors such as white, off-white, saxe, and black.

We also paid particular attention to the color of the saxe, choosing just the right color that is neither too dark nor too light.

important point

Although oral toxicity and skin irritation tests have confirmed the safety of the drug used, including oral toxicity and skin irritation, please refrain from using FLUTECT textile on the mouth side of the mask. Do not use on clothing for infants under 24 months of age.

This precaution may apply to apparel textile in general, but it is because apparel textile and their processing are not intended to be constantly in contact with the mouth.


This was an introduction to FT4545. Anti-virus treated textile are sometimes out of stock in standard colors.

If you were looking for something but gave up because it was out of stock, please consider it.

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