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Aug 31, 2020

Chat about Japanese → Chinese, Japanese-Chinese translation ① (Apparel materials technical terminology)

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Recently, I have been in charge of translation work, and this time I would like to share my impressions and chat about technical terminology translation.

As someone like me who is not familiar with technical terms, I think it would be more appropriate to learn them rather than translate them.

When I looked at the APPARELX category for the first time, there were a lot of technical terms I didn't know, and not only my Japanese but also my Chinese became a problem.

``Ryo'' ``Uri''

For example, I understand the basic difference between lining and interlining, but when translated into Chinese, is ``lining'' called ``衬cloth'' in Chinese? Isn't "interlining" also called "cloth"? ? ? Yeah, are you with me? ? When I looked it up in the dictionary, it interpreted it as shown in the image below, and yes, both were translated as "衬cloth chen bu".

If you look deeper, you will find that lining → li chen, li liao, li zi, li bu, interlining → chen li, chen bu, and li bu. "chen dian" There are many different ways to say it, and there is no unified way to say it, so we will translate the Japanese antonyms "omote" and "ura" into Chinese "men" and "ri", so "lining" → "ri charge" I chose the translation.

Difference between "press fastener" and "snap button button"

Also, I personally thought that "press fastener" and "snap button buttons" were the same thing. I have the impression that both words use the Chinese word ``按扣'', but after researching, I found out that ``press fastener'' is a type of ``snap button button.''

The Chinese character ``按'' means the Japanese verb ``to fasten'' or ``to press,'' and ``扣'' means ``bodan,'' so this type of button is called ``按扣.''

By the way, the press fastener is made up of two pieces of hardware on the top and bottom, making a total of four pieces of hardware, so it is called ``Sihe 扣'' in Chinese. press fastener are pressed onto the textile using a special machine (such as a hand press) using a snap fastener installation tool .

APPARELX sells press fastener, hand press machines, and snap fastener installation tool, and they are gaining popularity, so please take a look.

ApparelX Global is a staircase that is still being perfected, so I think there are many things that are lacking. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Lastly, while working as a translator, there were times when I didn't know enough Chinese to respond appropriately, but by using the examples above, I was able to learn new words while doing my job. Translation, proofreading, and other tasks may seem unremarkable, but unless you do the work yourself, you won't understand the value of it. Sober is simply amazing.

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